Ramblings from Retirement – You’re gonna die
By Retried Pastor Lee Hemen
August 24, 2021

There are several quotes, memes, and statements floating around online and on TV that I have come to utterly hate and therefore disregard because they have become meaningless. They are: “We’re all in this together” and “If we can save even one life…” Both have become “pithyisms” – a new term that defines a statement that is made that means nothing but sounds pity. Politicians use them all the time to sound intelligent and to skirt the truth.

First of all we are not all in this together because we do not know one another, we do not mingle in the same groups with one another, and most of you have absolutely no vested interest in who I am or what I do, except you are kind enough to read or listen to my ramblings. I know it is supposed to make us feel like we are part of a community, a family, or all in the same leaky boat but frankly we are not all in this together. Can we be supportive of a concerted effort to try and make a difference? Sure, but that’s about it. Being in this together means to me that you are willing and able to invest your time, talent, and money to help me personally, encourage me individually, and walk along side of me daily. You can’t do that if you do not even know me. In fact, like my Daddy used to say, “Talk is cheap and empathy means nothing without commitment.” (By the way did you know that all the scrap metal collecting during WWII had little to no impact on the War Effort but it was enforced to make Americans feel good about their selves?)

Now that brings me to my last meme that I have come to dislike because of its overuse: “If we can save even one life…” Now think about that for a moment. Frankly there are few people in my circle who can actually save anyone’s life, including mine, and I am not talking about spirituality here at all. This statement takes on a self importance that is scientifically impossible to prove and smacks of arrogance. We do a lot of things in this day and age that have absolutely nothing to do with reality but certainly makes one feel better about oneself.

I read a statement, article, by someone the other day where they felt angered over what they called “supposed Christians” who did not care enough about others to wear a mask. The whole thrust of the argument was to make others feel guilty over something that none of us has any actual control over: someone else’s death – unless I am armed with a gun and going to shoot them. Then they quoted Scripture to make their argument seem more spiritually inclined than those ignorant and selfish believers who do not like wearing a mask and dared write about it. You see if we are so horrible as not to wear a mask and thereby place others at risk, because “if we can save even one life” should we even call ourselves “Christian” by not wearing a mask or heaven forbid encourage others not to do so? If we as believers do not wear a mask are we not guilty of being a stumbling block to others? I say, “Hogwash!” By this convoluted logic we should never ever do or say anything because it might somehow cause someone somewhere to die!

Here is the truth: If you have friends or family members that you are around constantly who have health concerns, then you should wear a mask but to say I might be causing the death of someone because I do not or I write about it? Wow, that is arrogance. Frankly I wear a mask around those who are elderly or medically venerable but I write and encourage personal freedom and not mandates, even by well-intentioned others. It’s called being a nanny. Years ago I actually knew a young man who would not go on a retreat or do anything extra in his life because he feared that by doing so he was misusing his time, talent, and treasure and someone somewhere in the world might starve!

The writer of Hebrews reminds us that “man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment” (Hebrews 9:27 NIV). At some point we will all die. In fact “No one knows what is coming-- who can tell him what will happen after him? (Ecclesiastes 10:14 NIV)” We simply cannot say with any certainty when we will die or why? And to try to lay the blame on someone else because they did not wear a mask is wrongheaded. This virus will never go away because it is a COVID virus just like the flu or common cold. SARS and other COVID viruses that we have come into contact with are still with us to some varying degree to this day and people die from them all of the time! (Why haven’t you been wearing a mask all along when you knew that people could die from the common cold or flu?)  Masks cannot protect anyone from getting the virus but they can help to a very small degree from you possibly maybe giving it to someone else. (This is not my opinion but viral science and backed by years of study on the use of masks and the cloth mask or paper surgical mask you are encouraged to use is about as helpful as a kitchen towel.)

We are all gonna die sometime and should we be helpful, kind, and courteous to others around us? Sure, but do not try to make me feel fuzzy or guilty with your stupid memes.
This article is copyrighted © 2021 by Lee Hemen and is the sole property of Lee Hemen, and may not be used unless you quote the entire article and have my permission.


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