Ramblings from Retirement - Do Not Fear

Ramblings from Retirement - Do Not Fear
By Retired Pastor Lee Hemen
August 13, 2021

Are you fearful? Are you afraid? Some people like being scared or the feeling of fear. They will even do things in life to make themselves feel fear. Like bungee jumping from high places, climbing cliffs without any pinions or tie downs, or skydiving. Some will go to horror movies but then there are also those who keep themselves in a constant state of fear simply because they do not trust themselves, others, or Jesus to keep them. This is truly sad.

Today is Friday the 13th and some folks are fearful of the date; kind of silly, if you ask me, but they are. Perhaps it is because they would rather live in a state of fear rather than peace. The news brings in to our lives a constant barrage of tragedy, horrors, and dismal happenings. My advice is to turn the news off and go read your Bible or listen to some good music. The world is full of fear and will not change until we go to our eternal rest or Jesus comes again.

In Matthew’s Gospel he relates that Jesus taught the crowds: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:28-31 NIV” It is a familiar piece of Scripture but helps to remind us that as believers we should never be afraid.

Now the crowds listening to Jesus that day had a lot to fear a whole lot more than we do in our day and age. We live longer, enjoy a better lifestyle, and have comforts they never could dream of and yet we live in fear. Why? I know that fear is more than a state of mind but it is also a personal choice. I am reminded of a young woman who was horrendously raped and she was asked years later how she got through it and her reply was enlightening, she replied, “I simply choose to not live in fear.” Now I know it can be easier said than done for some of us but today and right now you can choose to not live in fear but peace.

If we have Jesus we have everything we need to face the terrors of the world around us and find the peace that surpasses all understanding, like Paul wrote about. Yet many of us must enjoy living in a state of fear rather than peace and we allow ourselves to wallow in the muck and mire of fear. If God knows when a small sparrow falls to the earth don’t you think that he cares for those he died for so much more? I do. And believe me I know what it means to number the few remaining hairs I have on my head! Yet God knows them all and me personally.

I well remember years ago arguing with someone that God was indeed a personal God and knows us completely. He denied that any being that was that powerful could know him intimately yet after giving his heart to Christ he now fully understands what this means. And you can as well. Perhaps you have resisted trusting him enough with your life that you remain fearful or you simply think that he could not love you that much to be concerned about you? Rest assured he does and will if you let him do so.

Over and over Jesus was constantly reminding his disciples to not be afraid, that he was with them. In fact some of his last words spoken to them are that he is with them to the very end of the age, meaning forever. Therefore do not fear, trust Jesus, and trust him to know you and to comfort you in your fear right now during this moment. Do not fear.
This article is copyrighted © 2021 by Lee Hemen and is the sole property of Lee Hemen, and may not be used unless you quote the entire article and have my permission.


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