Ramblings from Retirement – Homelessness

Ramblings from Retirement – Homelessness
By Lee Hemen, Retired Pastor
March 28, 2021

We have seen a huge rise in homelessness in our Nation. There are many reasons why from governmental policies, addiction, education, age, and mental issues. Many have tried over the decades to “solve” the problem but have in many cases made it far worse.

Recently a teenage boy in California designed and put together a homeless cart that converts into a place to sleep, store things, and can be easily wheeled around for the homeless. While his intentions are truly great what he is doing is contributing to the problem. Each cart costs around $200 to make. There are those who have given money to those who beg with signs by the roadside thinking they are helping but again they are acerbating the problem. Like many ministries that try to help instead encourage people to remain homeless by handing out tents, blankets, clothing or jackets.

Now I am not saying that all people desire to remain homeless, because they do not, but the vast majority of homeless (90%) are men who are either addicted to drugs or who have psychological problems. In our area we now have homeless encampments that have sprung up. Homeless men walk through neighborhoods stealing from houses, garages, recycling bins, and leave local parks trashed with drug paraphernalia and human waste.

The writer of Proverbs wrote that “The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work. All day long he craves for more, but the righteous give without sparing. (Proverbs 21:25-26 NIV)” 

Most of the homeless will beg for easy money to support their addiction but refuse to work. I know I have often offered daily jobs to many only to be refused, cursed at, or ignored. This is why I encourage folks to give to ministries that try to affect change like Share House, Open House Ministries, or Lighthouse Ministries. These are fantastic ministries that need not just cash but volunteers, books, toys, and other things.

Governmental agencies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on homelessness and have not made a dent in the problem. The government refuses to address the actual problems involved of illegal drugs, illegal immigration, sex slave trade, and releasing people with severe mental issues into communities. For politicians a good crisis keeps them in power. Good, kind, and “righteous” people like the teenage I mentioned above will continue to “give without sparing” and try to help but until the basis of the homeless problem is truly addressed it will only get worse. The “sluggard’s craving” will continue and “will be the death of them”.

Homeless camping, defecating, and drug usage on private or government land should be illegal and strictly enforced. Camp areas should be set up that are safe and provided basic needs but should only be available for a few weeks in order to get the homeless off the streets. Begging in public places should require a simple free license that requires name, birthday, and photo. (There are digital Polaroid type cameras that could easily do this that every police officer or homeless advocate could carry and use. It would help to keep track of the homeless in our area.) And begging should be restricted to safe places, during certain times, and not in the middle of the street, private property, or near off or on ramps. Those who need medical help should be taken care of and off the streets especially if they present a danger to themselves or others. Job training, medical assistance, places to wash, do laundry, and be safe while looking for work should be provided. Perhaps small space apartments like we find in Japan. Small houses, apartments, or places for families for a set period of time. The goal should be to get the homeless off the streets, find a job, counseling or education.

This article is copyrighted © 2021 by Lee Hemen and is the sole property of Lee Hemen, and may not be used unless you quote the entire article and have my permission.


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