The Traveling Carpenter

The Traveling Carpenter
By Pastor Lee Hemen
December 27, 2009 AM

A weary traveler comes into view, sets his one piece of odd-looking luggage and a carpenter's long metal tool box down, and sits heavily down on a long row of chairs of a nondescript airport waiting area. He sighs big, checks his pockets, finds something to eat in them, and opens up a granola bar and begins to eat it. Looking around he discovers that he isn’t alone and addresses the audience.

(He is busily checking all of his pockets for his airplane tickets.) I know I put those airline tickets somewhere in my pockets, but which one? Gosh, Mama is gonna be mad at me if I lost them and then there will be the hassle of going to the ticket counter and getting them reissued… (Finds the tickets folded up in his hat band.) Oh… silly me… there they are! I am getting more absent minded everyday! Now, where did I put that airport map… Oh well… I will look on the wall or ask someone for directions.

Airports! They are all the same. The same uncomfortable chairs to sit and wait for your flight, the same non-descript colors for the walls, the same irritating patterns in the carpet… (Looking down at the floor he realizes...) Oh, wait… that’s not a pattern that’s supposed to be there is it? It must be someone’s left over whatever it is… (He pulls out a granola bar from his coat pocket and begins chewing on it a bit and smiles.) Like I said, “Airports… the same everywhere you go!”

My name is Jake. It is short for Jacob. I bet you are wondering why I am traveling on a day like today? (Motions with his hands…) Oh, I am sorry you probably do not want to be bothered by the meanderings of an old man on his way back to the job site from his son’s house. (He sits back in his chair, looks around, and begins again…)

I bet you wonder what is with the long metal box I am carrying. (Points to a carpenter’s tool box on the floor.) You probably have not seen one of those before have you? Not too many folks use them anymore, but I still do. (He leans over and pats the box by his feet.) Well, let me tell you… it is full of carpenter tools. But these are not just any carpentry tools. These tools are ones that have been handed down from generation to generation in my family.

I am a simple carpenter. (Thumps his chest and expansively motions with his hands…) My father was a simple carpenter and his father before him was a simple carpenter. Even my son is a simple carpenter! Well, you get the idea. In fact, (Points to the toolbox.) that rusty old box was my father-in-laws before it was mine! We are all simple carpenters in my family on both sides! And, let me tell you that in this economy there isn’t a lot of work for carpenters, but we find a few jobs here and there and that is why I am traveling. (Brushes crumbs off of his coat.) I am headed back to my job site from my son’s house. We spent Christmas together. He lives in Bethlehem, PA with his wife and young boy.

(Muses to himself a little bit.) My son, Joe… What a nice young man, even if he is my son… So serious, so faithful to the Lord, and steady - like a rock (Holds up his fist.) that boy is, let me tell you! Do you have children? Yes? No? Well, they can be both a blessing and or a curse, depending upon what time of the year it is or when they need something or not… I am just kidding, because my children are all special! And, I believe all children are special. Or, at least they should be, right?

These times are kind of hectic for everyone, but you should have been with Mama and I when we heard Joe, that’s my son, tell us that his fiancĂ©e was pregnant. I know, I know… children today! What are you going to do? Getting pregnant out of wedlock, breeding like… well you know. And who suffers? Everybody does! The parents! (Pats his chest with his free hand, notices the granola bar and takes a bite.) The children that are born! And all of society! My own little town was agog when they heard the news about Joe and Mary, that’s my son’s fiancĂ©e, well… wife now. Their tongues could not wag fast enough, let me tell you! And then there are the children that are not raised by two loving parents that are… MARRIED! They suffer because they have no foundation that is secure in their lives. But I am getting excited and you do not want to hear me prattle on about the ills of society, my family, or their root causes.

But good old Joe, that’s my boy… did I tell you that already? He went ahead and married the girl and they now have a beautiful baby boy. His name is Josh. Strong, healthy, and… guess what? He is going to be a carpenter as well! We could not believe it when Joe related that he had not gotten Mary pregnant but that he had spent time speaking to God about it and was satisfied that he needed to go ahead and marry Mary anyway. (Looks a little confused at his choice of words.) He was ashamed but realized that he had to be a real man, become a husband, and a father. After all, Josh was his responsibility!

Mama and I were at first incredulous! We were hurt because we thought we had raised Joe right. Then we learned that little Josh wasn’t even his baby and yet he was willing to take on this entire family for his own! But Joe assured us that he knew what he was doing and that Mary was willing as well. And now they have the most beautiful baby boy… Oh, I did tell you that already didn’t I? (Reaches into his back pocket for his wallet and pulls it out.) Did I show you a photograph? Oh, I know most grandparents are proud of their grandchildren, but let me tell you Josh is something special! See there he is… (Pulls out and points to a photo to the audience, in his wallet, of a baby boy.) And, look at those big brown eyes… so full of wisdom… so full of curiosity… so full of mischief! (Smiles and puts the photo back into his wallet.) He is going to be someone special, let me tell you!

Do you know that God can use any situation, even if it begins poorly, for His good? The Apostle Paul related that “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV) God has certainly done so with Joe, Mary, and Josh. But of course you have to be willing to allow Him to be the Lord of your life like they have.

I just got through celebrating Christmas with them. (Sits up and realizes…) Say! (Snaps his fingers.) Hah! I never realized it before but they are kind of like the Holy family in the Bible… Sure! Sure! You know what I mean don’t you? There was Mary and Joseph and Jesus… shepherds and Wisemen or something… Well, maybe not exactly like them but similar. By golly! (Wonderingly.) I never realized that before and they were CARPENTERS too! Wow! Imagine that! Kind of gives a person pause doesn’t it? And here I am all frustrated about airports, family, and traveling when the Messiah’s family faced far worse obstacles back then.

Man, (Sits back down on the bench of chairs.) I had almost forgotten that story and here it is the Christmas season and all. Isn’t that just like us busy folks running around so full of activity with the holidays that we forget what they are all about! (Reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a small New Testament and begins to read from Luke’s Gospel.)

The Scriptures tell us that “In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:1-7 NIV)

Isn’t that amazing? Just like my little family, sort of… Well of course Joe and Mary moved to Bethlehem for work and no one followed a star to where Josh was born in the local hospital! And I do not think there are very many Wisemen in Bethlehem these days looking to give gifts away to a newborn baby! More like wise guy politicians wanting to steal your hard-earned gold, frankincense and myrrh from your pocket!

It is good for us to remember the original family that traveled so long ago to the first Bethlehem and the baby that was born there who was the Son of God, who would take away the sins of the entire world. And this world sure could use that right now!

Well, I think they just announced my flight leaving. (Puts the rest of his granola bar back into his coat pocket and picks up his bag.) Where am I going? Why… I am going to Jerusalem! No, not in the Middle East but in Jerusalem, Ohio! Hey! That’s kind of amusing too isn’t it!? The Lord sure works in funny ways doesn’t He? Well, you have a blessed New Year! I’ve got to catch my flight! (Grabs his bag and carpenter’s box and heads off.)
Pastor Lee Hemen has been the outspoken pastor of the same church for 25 years in Vancouver, WA. He writes regularly on spirituality and conservative causes and maintains several web blogs. This article is copyrighted © 2009 by Lee Hemen and is the sole property of Lee Hemen, and may not be used unless you quote the entire article and have my permission. You now have my permission...


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