The Humility of Faith - Philippians 2:1-4

The Humility of Faith - Philippians 2:1-4
By Pastor Lee Hemen
April 19, 2009 AM

What encouragement or comfort in this life do you experience or do you display? For the believer this is a very good question because it speaks about our faith. Here is what I mean: If we say we love the Lord but do not love those who claim Christ, then what does that say about our faith? It speaks to the humility of faith each Christian is to display to fellow believers.

Paul had written about living the Christian life in harmony with the gospel message on which it is based. He followed this idea with a call to exhibit spiritual unity. This unity is possible because of the reality of the qualities he writes the Philippians about and is expressed in their humility of faith in Jesus. Do you show the world your faith by the humility you display in life? Let’s find out what this means for us this morning as we discover what humility of faith truly means for our lives in Jesus.

READ: Philippians 2:1-4

When Paul queries matter-of-factly, “If you have any” to his readers. He knew that…

I. Humility of faith will display four character qualities! (v. 1)
1. Christians are encouraged by “being untied with Christ!” The wording Paul uses here for “encouragement,” as in the NIV, is parakle?sis, and is the same derivative from the word used for “comforter” for the holy Spirit as found in John 14:16. The Holy Spirit is our comforter and encouragement. God calls (kaleo) us alongside (para) Him. We are to walk with Jesus and He will encourage us as we do!
2. Christians enjoy and find the “comfort from His love!” When all else in this sin-ridden world fails us, the love of God never does. It is from everlasting to everlasting. A result is that God’s love in people’s hearts produces spiritual unity in their lives. Why? Because…
3. Christians have “fellowship with the Spirit” of God! It is an effect of the Holy Spirit’s permanent indwelling in the life of God’s chosen people. It is this fellowship that comes from the Holy Spirit, just as our encouragement comes from Christ, that…
4. Christians experience God’s “tenderness and compassion!” All Christians have experienced for themselves God’s wonderful matchless grace. His tenderness extended towards us through the sacrifice of His Son and the compassion of His mercy even while we were yet sinners is amazing in its grace!
EXAMPLE: I have to give a big loud hardy-har-har to those who publicly proclaim they “love” brother so and so in the Lord but they actually think he actually is a “so-in-so!” (You know what I mean.) If you cannot love the brethren first, you then have no room for Jesus in your life. Jesus declared, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” He meant fellow believers, not the world at large! How do I know this to be true, because Jesus immediately says, “By this all men (the world) will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35) His disciples loving one another, go figure? Your life should display the harmony you claim you have with Jesus with your fellow brothers and sisters in the same Lord. After all did not Jesus pray that we would all be “one” in Him as He was in the Father? United together in the brotherly bond of Jesus in our lives through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit? John would write, “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers.” (1 John 3:14) Paul used that little catch word “if” at the beginning of his rhetorical enquiry. Humility of faith will display these four character qualities.

“Then,” Paul writes, “make my joy complete.” How? We discover that…

II. Humility of faith will display four legitimate outcomes! (v. 2)
1. Christians will be “like-minded,” that is to exercise one’s mind! This is something many Christians are lackadaisical to do in our day and age, because it takes effort, and willingness to do so! You have to be willing to weigh what you think next to what the truth of God is and submit to that instead! While Individual Christians can disagree, they have to submit to the truth of the gospel. Why?
2. Christians will have “the same love!” This is the sacrificial love of God: “This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us.” (1 John 3:19-20a) John continues by saying, “Everyone who (sacrificially) loves has been born of God and knows God.” (1 John 14:7) This is not some feel good “Small World” kind of love, but rather a true deep spiritual oneness because of God’s love poured out into our hearts through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit! How is that possible? Paul writes that…
3. Christians will be “one in Spirit!” We are “soul mates.” Literally “sumpsuchos,” or “in the same breath.” We would say we are “simpatico” in outlook and focus! Unified under the leadership and authority of the Holy Spirit. Believers always know when another person shares the same faith they do, because they are “one in Spirit.” We share the same inspiration and empowerment from God! This is why…
4. Christians will be “one… in purpose” as well! We are to be “one minded” in that our focus is on the gospel message getting out to a sin-fallen world. That is our purpose in life. This is why Paul would boldly declare that he was a “minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles with the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:16) Paul would say that he “put up with anything rather than hinder the gospel of Christ. (1 Corinthians 9:12) and “I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings!”(1 Corinthians 9:23) In fact, he would write, “I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16)
EXAMPLE: I am amazed at the young women who do synchronized diving in the Olympics. They moved, jump, and hit the water as if they were the same person, especially the Chinese women. It was therefore kind of humorous to hear them share that although they try to dive with the same motions, their lives were totally different. One liked computers, the Internet, and movies, while the other like books, boys, and shopping. They even had different philosophies about diving! One admitted she was more “lazy” than her diving companion. She loved to sleep late and come to practice at the last minute. While Christians can individually differ in many ways, we are to display a unity in the Lord. Our humility of faith will display these four legitimate outcomes that Paul described for us. However…

The final outcome of a Christian’s life is when we find that…

III. Humility of faith focuses on others first! (Vv. 3-4)
1. Christians are to “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit!” These kinds of things focus on ourselves and not the kingdom principles of God. The underlying problem Paul addressed here was evidently prompted by self-centeredness among Christians in Philippi! Hard to believe I know. Even then there were those who sought their own personal kind of kingdom and self-righteousness, rather than God’s. Instead, Paul says, “in humility…
2. Christians are to “consider others better than” themselves! We are to look first to see if we can carry another’s burden before asking for help with our own. He would write, “Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.” (Galatians 6:2-3) The idea of burdens was one whereby the spiritually stronger in faith would help the weaker one caught in sin. (Galatians 6:1) In fact, Paul continues by telling the Philippians that…
3. Christians “should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others!” Fixation on oneself is sin and much of the church of today has forgotten this Scriptural truth. Humility of faith focuses on others first. James would declare that “faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead!” (James 2:17) John would admonish us by writing, “Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” (1 John 3:18) Humility of faith focuses on others first.
EXAMPLE: Don Tack wanted to know what life was like for homeless people. So he concealed his identity and went to live on the streets of his city. He found out that food and shelter were offered by many organizations. At one shelter he could spend the night if he listened to a sermon beforehand. He appreciated the guest speaker’s message and wanted to talk with him afterward. But as Don reached out to shake the man’s hand and asked if he could talk with him, the speaker walked right past him as if he didn’t exist. Don learned that what was missing most in ministry to the homeless in his area were people who were willing to build relationships. So he began an organization called Servants Center to offer help through friendship. What Don encountered at the shelter was the opposite of what the people who heard the apostle Paul experienced. When he shared the gospel, he gave himself too. Humility of faith focuses on others first.


Christians are to live like the faith they say they have. In all humility like that of Jesus. Paul writes that the humility of faith will display certain character qualities, have legitimate outcomes, and focus on others first. What about your humility of faith?
This article is the copyrighted 2009 © property of Lee Hemen and may not be copied or reproduced in any way shape or form without using the full text of this entire article, and getting the permission of its author.


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