Christian Responsibilities – Colossians 3:18-4:6

Christian Responsibilities – Colossians 3:18-4:6
by Pastor Lee Hemen
April 20, 2008 AM

We all have responsibilities in life. Some of may take them very seriously while others may have never prioritized their lives at all. I remember very well how I had to learn what responsibility meant when I got my first dog. It meant I had to make sure he was fed, tied up at night, bathed when he rolled in something awful, and I had to train him to behave. Which, would have been a whole lot easier if he did not run away so often!

Paul knew that Christians have responsibilities as well. In his concluding section of his letter to the Colossians, Paul covered several subjects. He first outlined the responsibilities of the members of a Christian family. Paul further dealt with believers’ responsibilities toward Christian servants and their masters. Then he stated certain responsibilities believers have toward their church and toward non-believers. Let’s discover what Paul taught about Christian responsibilities.

READ: Colossians 3:18-4:6

Every home is just one big happy family all the time, right? WRONG! We all know that there are times in every family when we just want to throw up our hands and head for the hills! This is life. This is what it means to have a home and a family. Not all is roses, but it can be great if you are willing to accept your God-given responsibilities. Here in Colossians, Paul teaches us about...

I. The behavior of Christians in the home! (vv. 3:18-21)

1. How a Christian relates to their family reveals how they view their God-given role! Here Paul briefly set forth the relationship of the wife to the husband, husband to wife, child to parent, and parent to child. Paul was not setting up an authoritative hierarchy, but rather what roles existed within a good Christian home. Just as there are differing roles within all of God’s creation, families are to have them as well. Colossians is the “Reader’s Digest version” of Ephesians 5:21-6:4! A wife’s submission is voluntary, based on her appreciation of God’s role for her life. Paul is not teaching servitude or slavery, and he does not tell the husband to make his wife submit! Notice that the husband is to “love” his wife! It is an unselfish love that gives rather than receives. He is to “serve and protect.” Such love always acts in the other’s best interests. And, children are to “obey” their parents, not just in what they choose to, but in “everything.” Why? It “pleases God!” He relates that parents, specifically “fathers,” are not to “embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.” The idea is one of constant nagging. Paul prescribed the behavior of believers as spouses, as parents, and as children. Christian couples are to be characterized respectively by submission and love. Christian children are to respectfully be obedient, while Christian parents are to encourage their children. How a Christian relates to their family reveals how they view their God-given role!

EXAMPLE: Have you read about how many people are wring their new homes as “smart houses?” They are connected to the Internet so that when you are gone you can adjust the lights, turn them or other things on or off, use web cameras to check to see if everything is okay, turn on outdoor or interior lights as you pull into the driveway, and you can even automatically feed the pets! As “smart” as that sounds a truly smart home is one where the Lord is its focus and not just some programmable CPU. Paul writes that a smart home is one where the behavior of Christ is evident in family life.

While every home is not perfect, if God is at the center of a family’s life then it will be as close as the Lord intended. Yet, we do not stay home all the time, do we? We have school, we have friendships, and we have jobs. In order for our families to be fed, clothed, and sheltered we have to earn a living. Paul related that how a believers acts on the job says a lot about his faith walk. He teaches us about...

II. The behavior of Christians on the job! (vv. 3:22–4:1)

1. How a Christian behaves at work displays their true character! In the first century, many of the early converts to Christianity were slaves, and they were accepted in the churches as brothers and sisters in Christ. We can use Paul’s admonishment for our work ethic today. Why? Because Paul indicated that their work ethic should be raised to a higher level because of their relationship to Christ, and so should ours! Christians are not to do just enough work to get by or to work only when our boss’ “eye is on [us] and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord!” Christians are to have a higher work ethic than the world! “Whatever you do,” Paul admonishes his readers, “work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men!” Christians in today’s workplace should accept their job as gift from God, who has graciously given them the ability to perform those tasks. Our focus should be on our ultimate reward, not “atta boys” from others. Remember, we receive what we have worked for: “Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism!” However, a Christian boss should “provide” their workers “what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.” The behavior of a Christian on the job is not just watched by their earthly boss, but by their Heavenly Lord. How a Christian behaves at work displays their true character!

EXAMPLE: The other day, as I drove into the driveway, I realized that my neighbors were working at their jobs, raising their families, and serving in their churches just like me! I know this might sound kind of odd to you, but it really hit me that each family had some job they went off to everyday! It reminded me of the response of the American statesman Bernard Baruch when he was asked who he thought was the greatest personality of our age. With great wisdom at age 94 he said: “The fellow who does his job every day. The mother who has children and gets up to get them breakfast, keep them clean, and send them off to school. The fellow who keeps the streets clean. . . . The unknown soldiers—millions of them.” Paul would say that how you behave at your work displays your true Christian character.

While both family and work are important aspects of our lives, if we leave out the next area, we will miss what God has called us to do in this world. We are to be part of the “called out,” to do Jesus’ work and will in the world. Christians not only have responsibilities to family and work, but they are to be an active part of the body of Christ. In Colossians, Paul teaches us about...

III. The behavior of Christians in their churches! (vv. 4:2-4)

1. How a Christian prays for their church says a lot about what they believe! Paul used the imperative to exhort his readers to persevere in prayer. The word translated “prayer” is a general term for worship and prayer. Paul admonished the Colossians to be watchful or wide awake in their prayer lives. In other words, Christians need to spend more devoted time in impassioned prayer. Some of us are not eloquent speakers or astute scholars, but all of us can spend time in enthusiastic prayer for the needs of our church and those around us. Notice as well that Paul specifically asks for their prayers: “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.” If you are not praying for your pastor, ministers, teachers, and other workers in your church you are limiting and weakening the effectiveness of your church! Why would I say that? Paul urgently related to them, “Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should!” The idea is one of emphasis. Paul believed he was chosen to do what God had given him to do and he desperately needed his fellow church member’s prayers in order to do it effectively: “as clearly as I should!” It consists of only three letters in the original language, but it carries a depth of theological meaning. Paul had to preach it and they had to pray for him! Paul knew that how a Christian prays for their church says a lot about what they believe!

EXAMPLE: What does your routine involve? Perhaps it is getting yourself or your husband off to work, your children to school, caring for your home, working a couple of days a week, and helping in your church. Perhaps you do not think there is much opportunity to be used mightily by God. Well, you are wrong! With all the emphasis on the extravagant these days, it's easy for us to lose sight of the fact that God is the God of everyday living. It seems that we're always looking for some great display of His power in our lives. But what the Lord desires is for us to focus on doing His will from our heart each day, delighting in humble service for Him, especially in our church home. In fact, Paul would say that how a Christian prays for their church says a lot about what they believe!

Finally, we discover that the Christian does not just have a family to nurture, a job to work at, and a church to serve in, but the reason we exist is to worship the Lord in all we do. In fact, wherever we walk, whatever we do, and wherever we live we are part of the world the Lord has created and the world His Son died for. Therefore, Christians, Paul related are to be careful how they live in it. Paul teaches us about...

IV. The behavior of Christians in the World! (vv. 4:5-6)

1. What a Christian does with their spare time says a lot about their faithfulness! The phrase “make the most of every opportunity,” literally means “redeeming the time,” and it comes from the world of commerce. It literally means “to go to market and make a purchase.” The verb form indicates that such action is to be constant and habitual on the believer’s part. We must exercise wisdom at all times and demonstrate that we are serious about our Christian living. Christians are to “be wise in the way [they] act toward outsiders.” Christians do this when they make sure their “conversation” is “always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Salt, being the Word of the Lord Jesus. Christians should act and sound like Christians! This why Jesus would remind his followers, “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’.” Why? Because Jesus related that “anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” (Matthew 5:37) In fact Jesus would tells his listeners, “Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man ‘unclean.’” (Matthew 15:17-18) The believer’s conduct includes his speech. What a Christian does with their spare time says a lot about their faithfulness!

EXAMPLE: I read a fable about a man who was browsing in a store when he made the shocking discovery that God was behind a sales counter. So the man walked over and asked, “What are You selling?” God replied, “What does your heart desire?” The man said, “I want happiness, peace of mind, and freedom from fear . . . for me and the whole world.” God smiled and said, “Oh, I don't sell fruit here. Only seeds.” What “seeds” are you sowing in the world around you? Paul would write that what a Christian does with their spare time says a lot about their faithfulness.


Paul teaches about our responsibilities as Christians in four areas of life: 1) The behavior of Christians in the home, 2) The behavior of Christians on the job, 3) The behavior of Christians in their churches, and 4) The behavior of Christians in the World.


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