The Benefits of Wisdom – Proverbs 1:1-19

The Benefits of Wisdom – Proverbs 1:1-19
By Pastor Lee Hemen
January 13, 2008 AM

Imagine that you have a child who watches way too much television. (This may not be too hard for some of us to do!) You’ve struggled with how to discipline your child and redirect their interests into more wholesome activities. Where would you look for advice regarding this parenting dilemma? Would you read books by noted psychologists, talk to Christian friends, look on the Internet, or ask Doctor Phil? In today’s world many groups and individuals claim to have solid advice for addressing life’s problems. The world is filled with conflicting voices, all claiming to speak wisdom. Some people are easily persuaded to follow those who speak with assumed authority. Others have concluded that people must determine what is wisdom for themselves and pursue it, denying that any one “wisdom” is appropriate for everyone.

In contrast, God expects people to find wisdom for living through a reverent, obedient, and loving relationship with Him. We live wisely when we base our decisions on biblical principles. The Book of Proverbs provides for us the benefits of wisdom. Let’s discover how for ourselves this morning.

READ: Proverbs 1:1-19

Attaining wisdom is important to living morally and spiritually upright lives. Genuine wisdom is rooted in the fear of the Lord. Parents need to impart wisdom to their children, and children need to listen to their parents’ guidance. Young people need to beware of those who try to entice them into evil activities. Sin has serious consequences, and sinners will ultimately reap the results of wrongdoing. Wise persons will avoid associating with people who can lead them astray. We learn that…

I. The benefits of wisdom begins with proper guidance! (vv. 1-6)

1. A wise person will listen and increase their learning, and a discerning one will obtain Godly guidance! Solomon is known for his wise decisions when he served Israel as its king. His wisdom is attributed to his asking God for it and the Bible tells us that “God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore.” (1 Kings 4:29) He is attributed to writing thousands of songs and proverbs. (2 Kings 4:32) Even the Queen of Sheba came to investigate his wisdom (1 Kings 10:1-13)! We know that Solomon did not always act wisely, but he did receive wisdom as a gift from God and he tried to hand it down to future generations. Solomon did this so that those who read these Proverbs would have “wisdom and discipline.” Wisdom is more than just knowledge. A person can have a lot of knowledge but little wisdom. Wisdom brings about “a disciplined and prudent life” to those that are willing to heed it. Solomon understood that “doing what is right and just and fair” does not come just from being practical. “Prudence…, knowledge and discretion” comes from learning from God and then doing not just the right thing, but the righteous thing. Even Jesus’ disciples could not understand His parables without godly wisdom and insight. A person who gains wisdom from God will excel in righteousness, justice, and integrity. Biblical wisdom has a moral or ethical dimension. A wise person, according to the Bible, is someone who makes decisions in light of biblical principles. Solomon knew that “for understanding proverbs and parables,” the benefits of wisdom begins with proper guidance.

EXAMPLE: Have you heard of a GPS? The Global Positioning System (GPS) is changing the way we work, travel, and play. You find them in cell phones, cars, and in iPods. Using the signals from multiple satellites, an inexpensive GPS receiver can compute your location anywhere in the world. Using the information can help a lost hiker return to camp, enable a driver to locate a house in a strange city, or guide commercial fishermen back to the place of a big catch. In a very real sense, it is "guidance from above." But it helps only the person who believes the information and acts on it. What if a person viewed the GPS readout and said, "I can't possibly be where this says I am"? What good would it be if a person turned off the unit, jammed it in a pocket, and headed out on his own, saying, "I know I'm going east, even if this thing says I'm going south"? In a similar way, God's guidance through the Bible benefits us only when we trust His Word and obey it. Solomon knew that “for understanding proverbs and parables,” the benefits of wisdom begins with proper guidance.

This opening section stresses the benefits of becoming wise. A wise person chooses to apply God’s principles to life’s decisions. God’s people should take advantage of opportunities to grow in wisdom. The Book of Proverbs is designed as a guide to attaining wisdom. Studying the Book of Proverbs provides a wonderful opportunity to learn more about how to live wisely in today’s complex world. In fact, we discover that…

II. The benefits of wisdom are key to spiritual knowledge! (vv. 7-9)

1. Foolish people not only despise parental advise, they hate Godly wisdom! The Hebrews viewed knowledge as more than intellectual comprehension. Knowledge often included an experiential dimension. Hosea reported God’s disappointment with the people’s lack of knowledge of God (Hosea 4:1, 6). They did not lack intellectual knowledge but rather their lives reflected a lack of intimate, personal relationship with Him. True wisdom comes from a vital relationship with God. The fear of the Lord is primarily a reverence or respect for God. The word fear does not completely refer to a cringing type of fear. Bible scholars recognize that wisdom teaching occurred in several contexts in the ancient world. A king might have wise advisors. Wise instructors taught students. A parent would share wisdom with children. In these verses a father addresses his son. The father, using two figures of speech, told his son that listening to his parent’s advice would bring rewards. First, these wise teachings would be like a garland of grace on his head or like a “graceful wreath.” Second, the shared wisdom would be like a gold chain around his neck. Both of these items symbolize success in life. His godly wisdom would affect his life! Those who listen to God’s wisdom add beauty and honor to their lives. The benefits of wisdom are key to spiritual knowledge that affects every area of our lives.

EXAMPLE: Are we "Time-magazine Christians"? A Pastor used this phrase to describe how some believers divide their lives into departments, with the religious section given a half-page somewhere near the back. Little if any attempt is made to relate matters of faith to the everyday issues of life. Some think that the spiritual part of their lives can be taken care of by church attendance or doing some good. Then they are free to run their own businesses, choose their entertainment, or relate to people in whatever way pleases them. But Christianity can't be confined to just one area of our lives. When Paul prayed for the believers in Colossae, he related that “we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way.” (Colossians 1:9-10) Our relationship with Christ must affect all areas of life. There is no way we can live a life that is pleasing to God if we keep our faith limited to the religious section. Solomon taught that the benefits of wisdom are key to spiritual knowledge that affects every area of our lives.

Godly parents share what they have learned from life and from following God because they love their children. They want their children to learn from their mistakes and to experience life in a more meaningful way than they did. The guidance of the Book of Proverbs is rooted in love and results in the well-being of those who follow it. This is why we read that…

III. The benefits of wisdom warn us against following sin! (vv. 10-19)

1. Do not be fooled in life because your bad companions will ruin your good character! Parents are always concerned about how their children will make decisions when they leave home or are away from their influence. That is the success most parents measure their parental skills by – that is if their wisdom has been imparted to their offspring. Not just intellectually but spiritually and internally that results in actions of godly integrity and character. Solomon issued a warning against the enticements of sinners. Most parents realize that children and young people want to be popular. They are tempted at times to join in activities that lead to sinful behavior. The apostle Paul warned, “Bad company corrupts good morals” (1 Corinthians 15:33b). The father here described the kind of appeal the gang might make to his son. The group might plan on killing a person just for fun or entertainment! While this was written thousands of years ago, we find it occurring far to regularly in our day and age. The father compared the life of crime to a road or a path that the young person might travel. Such an individual might fail to see the eventual result of such a life. Many today are motivated by immediate gratification. They do not take a long hard look at the consequences of their actions. The parent urged the youth to consider the long-term consequences of keeping bad company. When several young people get together, they often will engage in wicked behavior that they would not normally do individually. Like a bird caught in a trap, they do not realize the danger involved. While some may seem to get away with sin in this life, Christians know that all sin ultimately will be judged by God. Here Proverbs relates to us that the benefits of wisdom warn us against following sin.

EXAMPLE: According to Greek mythology, sirens (sea nymphs) inhabited certain Mediterranean coastal areas. As ships passed by, the sirens sang such enchanting songs that the sailors, drawn by the music, would jump overboard and drown. Odysseus was on a ship that had to pass that way. Aware of the powerful allurement of those songs, he ordered that he be bound with ropes to the mast and that the crewmen's ears be sealed with wax to block out the tantalizing music of the sirens. Having taken such precautions, Odysseus and the rest of the crew were able to sail past without yielding to the lure of the sea nymphs. As Christians, we should be prepared to resist any temptations to evil. We must hate sin and be so serious about not giving in to its allurements that we are determined to deny our desire to participate in it. That’s why Solomon related that the benefits of wisdom warn us against following sin!

The benefits of wisdom begins with proper guidance, is the key to spiritual knowledge, and warn us against following sin!
This article is copyrighted by Pastor Lee Hemen © 2007 and the property of Pastor Lee Hemen. You are welcome to copy it, email it, or use it but if you copy it, email it, or use it you must do so in its entirety.


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