Taking Seriously God’s Message – Jonah 2:10-3:10

Taking Seriously God’s Message – Jonah 2:10-3:10
By Pastor Lee Hemen
December 9, 2007 AM

Imagine you are leaving your motel room late one afternoon. You’re hungry and are meeting friends for supper. You notice a small child swimming in the motel pool. The child begins to yell for help, and you realize that the child is drowning. What would you do? If you know how to swim, you might jump into the water and try to save the child. You might extend a pole or some other object to the child who is struggling. In any case, you would do all you could to help. Emergency situations, such as a child drowning, usually evoke action. How many of us as Christians, however, feel a sense of urgency to help those who are sinking in sin?

The Bible clearly teaches that God judges sin, but many in our society ignore this teaching. Some Christians believe it to a point but doubt that God will truly condemn unrepentant sinners for eternity. Other Christians believe it absolutely but still feel no sense of urgency about helping others come to faith in the Savior. God wants, as we discover in the book of Jonah, unbelievers and believers to take seriously His message of judgment either by repenting and receiving Christ and/or by helping others receive Christ. It comes from taking seriously God’s message.

READ: Jonah 2:10-3:10

While Jonah was in the belly of the large fish, he prayed to the Lord for deliverance. The Lord answered his prayer, and the fish vomited Jonah onto dry land. Again the Lord told Jonah to preach to the Ninevites, and this time Jonah took God’s message seriously. Although Jonah apparently was not motivated by genuine concern for the Ninevites, he obeyed the Lord this time and proclaimed God’s judgment on Nineveh. What does it mean therefore to take seriously God’s message?

I. It means actually hearing the Word of God! (Jonah 2:10-3:4)

1. Hearing God’s command is more than just listening, it involves our response! While he was in the belly of the large fish, Jonah prayed to God. Jonah knew he had been disciplined by God for his disobedience and he called out to God for deliverance. The prophet soon realized that “salvation is from the Lord!” (2:9). God answered Jonah’s prayer in an unusual way. God told the fish to vomit Jonah onto dry land. Giving Jonah a second chance illustrates God’s patience and forbearance with disobedient people. God reiterates His command for Jonah to “Get up! Go.” (1:2) Believers today need to be reminded of the same command. God has not changed His mind about His people getting up and going. Previously, like we often do, Jonah had resisted God’s command, but this time he got up and went to Nineveh. Just as we should. It was not an easy thing to do. Jonah had to overcome his personal prejudice, physical hardship, and an unwillingness of heart to follow God. Jonah had been reluctant to preach to the Ninevites. God gave Jonah a second chance to share His truth in Nineveh; Jonah obeyed and warned the people of God’s judgment. If we take God’s message seriously, it means hearing the Word of God and responding!

EXAMPLE: Do you know that when my mother called me the first time to supper, she expected me to respond right away? In fact, if I was too slow in my response I often found out that she was willing to let me suffer the consequences of my actions. Surprisingly my mother saw my lackadaisical attitude as one of disrespect for her and her hard work. I now realize she was correct. The same is true for the Christian who is asked by the Lord to do His will but responds in their own timing. Taking God’s message seriously means His people, like Jonah, will actually hear the Word of God and respond to it. Have you ever taken God’s patience for granted, like I did with my mother’s? When has God given you a second chance to obey Him? Maybe this morning He is calling you to respond? If we take seriously God’s message, it means more than just listening…

Everyone needs to hear God’s message of judgment and salvation. During the Christmas season Southern Baptist churches collect an offering for international missions. This Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® helps support missionaries who take God’s message around the world. What have you done this week to help share God’s message of salvation with people of other nationalities? What does it mean therefore to take seriously God’s message? We learn from Jonah that…

II. It means paying attention to what God is telling you! (Jonah 3:5-9)

1. Paying attention to what God is telling you will lead you to a crisis of faith! The Ninevites’ response to Jonah’s message was amazing. They could have rejected this foreigner’s prophecy. They could have argued that their civilization was far superior to the Hebrew culture. In summary, the Ninevites could have dismissed Jonah and his message. Instead, the Ninevites believed in God. They reached a crisis of faith! The Ninevites demonstrated their repentance by two actions. First, they fasted. It is not the same as dieting. Second, the people put on sackcloth, a coarse fabric made of animal hair to show their mourning over their sin! As Jonah preached throughout the city, the response to his preaching was amazing! All classes of people heard his message of divine judgment and repented. They showed their repentance by their actions! Even the King was affected and urged everyone to call out earnestly to God! The result was that because the people repented of their evil ways, God relented from the disaster with which He had threatened them. “Who knows?” the king asks, “God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish.” He hoped that their repentance would impact God’s decision to bring imminent judgment. Paying attention to God will lead you to a crisis of faith. It means paying attention to what God is trying to tell you!

EXAMPLE: Do you like it when the person you are talking to is not really responding to you at all? You know what I mean. They kind of shake their head in agreement, but the light is not really on. I know I am guilty of this, but aren’t we all? Think about it for a moment. If you had been in Nineveh when Jonah preached, how might you have responded to his message? In what way would you have repented? Being “sorry” for not really listening to God, does not gain any merit. The old adage that “actions speak louder than words,” holds true. The Ninevites had to do more than just listen. They had to take God’s message seriously. They had to pay attention, which lead them to a crisis of faith. How about you? Are you paying attention to God? How important is God’s message to you?

We know that God is indeed merciful and compassionate. God gave Jonah a second chance and He also wanted the Ninevites to repent. People of all classes heard, believed, and repented when they heard Jonah’s message. God wants all people to know Him. Salvation involves faith and repentance—turning to God and turning away from sin. What does it mean therefore to take seriously God’s message?

III. It means experiencing God’s wonderful mercy! (Jonah 3:10)

1. God also listen to us as we speak to Him and He responds in mercy! Notice the direct intimate response of God: “When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, He had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction He had threatened.” God can see our thoughts and motives as well as our outward actions. The Lord was pleased with the Ninevites’ repentance. True repentance involves more than a temporary feeling of remorse or regret. When I was a child, I was often unhappy that my parents or a teacher caught me doing something wrong. Sometimes, however, I merely regretted that I had been caught or that I would be punished. I did not always experience true repentance. The Ninevites demonstrated their repentance by turning from their evil ways. Because Nineveh repented, God relented. He spared the people. He did not send the disaster (literally the “evil”) He had planned for them. Some Christians seem to think that God is always stern and judgmental in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament God is loving and compassionate. The Book of Jonah reminds us that God’s character is consistent. God always opposes sin but He willingly forgives repentant sinners. When we take God’s message seriously, we experience God’s wonderful mercy!

EXAMPLE: It's that time of year again when people think about God and goodwill more than they do at any other time. It seems that the nearer we get to Christmas, the more we notice that people have a willingness to express an interest in religious things. Both church attendance and church activities increase. Does this heightened religious activity really show that we honor the Lord? The Ninevites were very “religious” people, but they needed to hear a message from God. Like today, Christmas has become so transparent and commercial that the true message is perhaps lost to many who get caught up in all the hype of the season. Perhaps, like the Ninevites, we need to take God’s message seriously, repent of our sinfulness, and experience His wonderful mercy anew.


What does it therefore mean to take seriously God’s message? It means actually hearing the Word of God! It means paying attention to what God is trying to tell you! It means experiencing God’s wonderful mercy!


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