
Showing posts from March, 2020

Unity among God’s people is precious! – Psalm 133:1-3

Unity among God’s people is precious! – Psalm 133:1-3 By Pastor Lee Hemen March 22, 2020 There is nothing better than seeing a family that loves one another. As I was at the local park last summer I watched as a young family came down to the park to play. It was precious to see them play, laugh, and just be a family. In a world where we are now being encouraged to distance ourselves socially because of COVID-19 and some because they can’t seem to live without their online social networking it is good to experience the unity among God’s people and just how precious it is. David as Israel’s king I am sure often felt cut off from being able to just be himself. Like our President who gets negative response no matter what he seems to do, David felt the isolation of his office as Israel’s king. Yet in the midst of his loneliness and isolation he knew that unity among God’s people is precious! Let see what David wrote… READ: Psalm 133:1-3 As we face the days ahead as a church with what is go...

Christ’s church is to be unified! – Ephesians 4:1-6

Christ’s church is to be unified! – Ephesians 4:1-6 By Pastor Lee Hemen March 15, 2020 As a family we had one another’s back so-to-speak. Even though my brother and I would often try to wrestle one another to the death, tease, and bug each other we still stood up for and protected one another above anyone else. It was a matter of family unity. Families protect one another. There is a false notion that church unity means that if you disagree with one another about something then you are not in the will of God, nothing could be further from the truth. As the body of Christ we are his family, brothers and sisters in the Lord trying our best to do his work and will in a sinful world. Unity does not mean we agree on everything but that we protect, defend, and encourage each other in the Lord! How then is Christ’s church to be unified? I’m glad you asked… READ: Ephesians 4:1-6 Jesus and his disciples did not agree on everything but they were unified in him, except one who later betrayed him...

Christ’s church is not confused! – Galatians 5:6-16

Christ’s church is not confused! – Galatians 5:6-16 By Pastor Lee Hemen March 8, 2020 Have you ever thought you were doing the right thing but in reality it was for the wrong reasons? We can fool ourselves into thinking that God’s will is what we like or what we want and when we do we might be guilty of trying to do the right thing for the wrong reasons. As we search for a new pastor we want to make sure that we are not trying to get our way instead of seeking the Lord’s will for our church. We should not be confused in doing what God desires. The church in Galatia had gotten itself all tied up in what they thought was the correct way of living for the Lord but in reality it was from the wrong reasons. They were confused and not doing what the Lord desired. Paul wanted them to come together in the Lord to do the will of God, let’s see how Paul clarified their confusion… READ: Galatians 5:6-16 Paul understood that all believers were God’s children “through faith in Jesus Christ” (Galati...

Christ’s presence in his church! – Ephesians 3:14-21

Christ’s presence in his church! – Ephesians 3:14-21 By Pastor Lee Hemen March 1, 2020 There are things in this world that are hard to comprehend completely. The love we have for our children, the joy of seeing something beautiful in God’s creation, or the smells that linger in our minds that bring back memories: Aftershave, baking bread, the fresh smell of spring rain. We could explain them scientifically but that kind of lessens their impact. Their presence is enough to make us wonder. As believers we can become so comfortable with the presence of Jesus we begin to neglect what this means. It is easy to do. We no longer think about how our smart phones, TVs, computers, microwaves or other devices we enjoy work. So not giving a second thought to a loving savior who died for us seems to be almost normal. Paul did not suffer from such familiarity. He wrote the Ephesians about the wonder of Christ’s presence in his church, let’s see how… READ: Ephesians 3:14-21 Paul knew that because of ...