
Showing posts from January, 2020

God uses the foolish things! – 1 Corinthians 1:18-31

God uses the foolish things! – 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 By Pastor Lee Hemen January 26, 2020 When things change it can seem foolish to those who get used to the way things as they are. Yet we can be the “foolish” ones when we make demands like: “If they do not do it this way I will…” or “If it isn’t done the way I like, then…” We are like the petulant child who doesn’t like the way the game is going and takes his ball home. However, we learn that God often uses the foolish things of the world. The Jews had gotten used to being the slaves of whichever power marched through their homeland. While they mouthed their allegiance to God within their hearts they had truly stopped believing. And now God had sent himself in the form of a man bringing a different message than the one they were used to. It seemed as foolishness just as it does in our day and age that have gotten used to living their lives the way they want instead of following the Lord. We learn that God uses the foolish things. READ...

God chooses! -- 1 Samuel 16:1-13

God chooses! -- 1 Samuel 16:1-13 By Pastor Lee Hemen January 19, 2020 It can be disconcerting when things we are used to in our life change. Moving, going to a new school, marriage, divorce, a birth, and or a death can all have consequences that can throw us for a loop in life. Most of us do not have obsessive compulsive disorder and do not require everything remain the same and we can accept change but change can still bring about circumstances we do not like. Samuel was God’s chosen prophet and God had just gotten through telling Samuel that Saul, Israel’s mentally and spiritually unstable king, would not be king anymore. In fact God was now asking Samuel to announce to his nation, that mentally-ill king, and an unsuspecting family that God was choosing another king entirely! Needless to say he was not overjoyed at the prospect. In this case change could be life-threatening. In the process we discover God had chosen who would be his messenger and who would be the future king of Israe...

How God uses those who are willing! -- Judges 7:1-9

How God uses those who are willing! -- Judges 7:1-9 By Pastor Lee Hemen January 12, 2020 We all want God to do mighty things just like those described in the Scriptures but there are few of us that truly want God to do those mighty things through us! When the rubber meets the road in our spiritual walk with God the rubber often turns to gravel. The pavement comes up to meet us in the face, so-to-speak. But it is here where we discover the power and strength of God when we are willing to be used of God! And how he chooses to use us depends on how willing we are! Gideon, that “Mighty Warrior” of God not only had to learn this lesson for himself but he had to try and teach it to an entire nation! As we begin the process of looking for our future pastor we must be willing to go where God leads us. It can be a scary prospect but it is also a rewarding one as well. Here in Judges we discover how God uses those who are willing… READ: Judges 7:1-9 Letting go and allowing God to work in one’s l...

How we can overthink God! – Judges 6:11-17

How we can overthink God! – Judges 6:11-17 By Pastor Lee Hemen January 5, 2020 Amy Morin on the website writes that “Whether you beat yourself up for a mistake you made last week, or you fret about how you’re going to succeed tomorrow, overthinking everything can be debilitating. Your inability to get out of your head will leave you in a constant state of anguish. Of course, everyone overthinks a situation occasionally. But if you’re a true overthinker, you’ll struggle to quiet the constant barrage of thoughts. Overthinking is more than just a nuisance--studies show thinking too much can take a serious toll on your well-being.” Not to mention your spiritual well-being. Sadly, Christians can try and overthink God and then suffer the consequences of doing so. And Scripture is filled with folks who tried to overthink God. One such person was Gideon. It is here in today’s verses that we discover how Gideon gives us an example of what happens when God’s people overthink God. Let’s d...