
Showing posts from July, 2015

Jesus Is Anointed - John 12:1-11

Jesus Is Anointed - John 12:1-11 By Pastor Lee Hemen July 26, 2015 When we graduate from high school we have a ceremony to commemorate the event; when we are married for a long time, live into very old age or have been at a job for a long time, folks usually commemorate the event; and when a ship is launched the event is commemorated as well. Here in John's gospel we discover Jesus being remembered by those who owed him so much, especially by one gracious lady. We do not fully understand the idea or the reasoning behind why folks of Jesus' day would anoint him. In fact, I would venture a guess that there are a lot of folks who do not even know what it means to anoint someone. Today we are beginning an entire section that covers the very last days of Jesus' life. Let's discover what it meant for Jesus to be anointed. READ: John 12:1-11 Good food and good company are two of the wonderful things in life. This is why Thanksgiving is especially important to me, because it al...

Isaiah 30:21-- This is the way, walk in it!

Isaiah 30:21-- This is the way, walk in it! By Pastor Lee Hemen July 19, 2015 During the time of Isaiah the Prophet, the Israelites had continually turned from following God. When they did, they suffered the consequences of their disobedience. God reminded them through Isaiah that if they would remain in him, he would stay close to them. In our world today we have the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives when we trust Jesus as our Savior and Lord. He remains with us no matter what, and because of this we often take following God for granted. We begin to think that it does not matter what we do in our lives since God loves us there will be no consequences. Nothing could be further from the truth. LifeWay's VBS 2015, Journey Off The Map™, is based on Isaiah 30:21. Children will explore uncharted territory where they will begin to understand that obedience to God can lead them beyond the expected. So, toss the map, stick close to your guide, and prepare to listen for God's dir...

The Fallout -- John 11:45-57

The Fallout -- John 11:45-57 By Pastor Lee Hemen July 12, 2015 People have some strange ideas and then wonder why their lives are so messed up. "I am a god," Kayne West sings on his new album. "I wrote 'I Am a God'... Cause it's like, 'Yo! Nobody can tell me where I can and can't go'," he told W Magazine. "Man, I'm the number one living and breathing rock star. I am Axl Rose; I am Jim Morrison; I am Jimi Hendrix." Michelle Pfeiffer recently revealed that she at one time believed humans could exist on sunlight alone. Fran Drescher reportedly thinks she and her ex-husband were abducted by aliens and implanted with electronic tracking chips. She talks about matching scars they share, noting the marks are from their alien encounters. Shirley MacLaine believes her ex-husband is a clone of the real one, an astronaut named Paul. For years Steve, his real name, conned MacLaine into paying him up to $60,000 a month for “Paul’s space trav...

Lazarus! Part Two -- John 11:17-44

Lazarus! Part Two -- John 11:17-44 By Pastor Lee Hemen July 7, 2015 The death of a loved one affects folks differently. No one's grief is the same nor is their emotional healing. I know my mother's death affected me as has the death of my father. I still have a tough time going into hospitals and often have to fight panic attacks, especially since my mother's death. However, one thing that helps me is when I remember that this life is but momentary. Death holds no fear for those who know the giver of life, Jesus Christ. Here in John's gospel we find a wonderful account of Lazarus and his two sisters Mary and Martha. Lazarus had gotten ill and died. Sadly, this was often more common than it is nowadays and what occurs when Jesus finally arrives teaches us in graphic detail exactly what eternal life is all about and exactly why Jesus came. Let's discover what this means for us today… READ: John 11:17-44 It is sad when we hear that someone we love is dying and especial...