Who's without sin? - John 8:1-11
Who's without sin? - John 8:1-11 By Pastor Lee Hemen April 26, 2015 Self-righteousness can express itself in many different forms. We often think of it as the overtly bigoted religious persona depicted by the media, movies, or television. However it can take the form of someone who thinks they are spiritually okay when in fact they know next to nothing about God, his Son, or the Bible. They self-righteously equate their good intentions, actions, or attitudes as more that good enough for God. And in fact, their intent becomes God's for them. They do not see themselves as a sinner in need of a Savior. This is the millennial mindset of much of America today. It is not new. We discover that even the hyper-religious bureaucrats of Jesus' day fell into this self-inflicted trap, thinking they were far better off spiritually than the common man or in this case woman. Here in John we find an interesting account of Jesus rescuing a sinful woman from her wrongful accusers. In doing so...