Whispers! -- John 7:11-18
Whispers! -- John 7:11-18 By Pastor Lee Hemen March 1, 2015 Have you ever had a vicious rumor spread about you or someone you know that was not true? I have. Gossip, like whispers in today's passage, can be like a burning fire and consume everything and anyone in its path. The Bible relates that "The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts. (Proverbs 18:8 NIV)" In other words gossip can seem satisfying at first, but in reality it is like poison and affects those who participate in it and those who it is often about. It is like digested food, retained and remembered. When folks gossip it says a lot about their character and what they value. How we handle gossip says a lot about who we are and our character as well. Jesus faced those who wanted to whisper or gossip about him and how he handled himself and those who wanted to spread rumors speaks volumes about Jesus' character and who he was. Let's find out what Jesus...