Do You Take God at His Word? - Isaiah 7:1-14, 16
Do You Take God at His Word? - Isaiah 7:1-14, 16 By Pastor Lee Hemen January 26, 2014 AM James had to lay off some workers, there was no other way for his store to survive but he refused. He told his accountant, "I know it makes good business sense to layoff some workers at the store; but I can't. Take Fred, for instance, his wife is pregnant with their second child, and he needs this job. Fred cares about our customers, and I care about him. James' accountant told him to do whatever he thought was best, but he did not see how they would survive. James Cash Penny responded, "We'll find a way. We can trust God to get us through this tough time. God always has proven faithful, and I trust Him to help us again. Let's pray now." While this tale about JC Penny is fanciful, it reflects who the man was. After the 1929 stock crash, Penney lost virtually all his personal wealth, and borrowed against his life insurance policies to help the company meet its payr...