
Showing posts from August, 2013

Follow the Spirit! - Galatians 5:16-26

Follow the Spirit! - Galatians 5:16-26 By Pastor Lee Hemen August 25, 2013 AM I like some of the new features of smart phones, especially the ability to use them as a GPS whether you are walking around town or driving to a destination. However, one has to be careful not to completely trust in the directions they give, because they still can lead you down someone’s driveway or to none existent places. Kind of like the car commercial a few years ago where the guy was following the vocal directions from his in-dash GPS and it tells him, “Turn left…” he immediately does and runs into a building, a then as the dust and debris settles the robotic voice continues, “…in 500 feet.” Not all guidance is necessarily good guidance. Christians have access to the best possible guidance as they exercise their freedom in Christ. Unfortunately, many believers sometimes confuse Christian freedom with the liberty do anything they want, and then garner God’s forgiveness. They do not know—or th...

Claim your freedom! - Galatians 5:1-15

Claim your freedom! - Galatians 5:1-15 By Pastor Lee Hemen August 11, 2013 AM Freedom has different meanings today. For some, it is the ability to choose whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it. Freedom therefore is having no authority that imposes personal restrictions. Others see it as overcoming all unpleasantness in their past, present, or future. Some believe that because at one time they made a profession of faith in Christ they think they now can do as they please. These reflect a misunderstanding of Christian freedom. They forget Christian freedom is the freedom to obey Christ and reflect His character. Then there are those think that they should perform good works to solidify their relationship with God. They need to realize good works flow from love for God and others and do not earn or ensure salvation or spiritual freedom. Although Christian freedom has elements of each of these concepts, it differs because it results from salvation through faith al...

Living the Gospel - Galatians 3:26-29; 4:8-20

Living the Gospel - Galatians 3:26-29; 4:8-20 By Pastor Lee Hemen August 4, 2013 AM As a child and a teen, I was worried about my physical growth. Both my parents were relatively short, especially my mom. I was afraid I would reach her height and no more. Throughout elementary school and middle school, I was one of the smaller boys in class. In high school, I finally experienced a growth spurt. I was elated the day I realized I was taller than my mom was. In my later years growth remains a concern for me, albeit growth of a different kind. I want to continue to grow as a Christian. Spiritual maturity continues to be a goal toward which I want to move. I want to learn more about the Scriptures and to translate them into my daily living. As we learn more about the Gospel and act on what we learn concerning our relationship with Jesus Christ, our salvation, and in living the gospel, we will grow as Christians. That was Paul’s desire for the Galatian believers as well. In livi...