
Showing posts from May, 2013

Courage triumphs when we are delivered! -- Esther 8

Courage triumphs when we are delivered! -- Esther 8 By Pastor Lee Hemen May 26, 2013 AM We live in a day and age whereby there are a lot of Christians blandly sitting by waiting for God to "do something." They have forgotten that God regularly works through His people who are willing to follow Him, no matter what the personal cost, in order for Him to "do something." If you want your nation and world changed, God desires that you "do something" for Him. Jesus' last command to His followers, was for all of them to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20 NIV) Deliverance of God's people comes when God's people have enough courage to "do something" for Him. Esther and Mordecai found this to be true and...

Courage triumphs with truth and justice! -- Esther 7

Courage triumphs with truth and justice! -- Esther 7 By Pastor Lee Hemen May 19, 2013 AM Esther had invited King Xerxes to bring Haman and attend a special banquet she had prepared. Haman’s status appeared to be secure. This new development seemed to reinforce his reputation. Haman must have thought only the king rivaled him in power and prestige. Haman’s morale had soared. Then, he encountered Mordecai, who “didn’t rise or tremble in fear at his presence” (v. 9). Mordecai remained seated. When Haman told his wife and friends what occurred, they advised him to build a gallows 75 feet high on which to hang Mordecai. He did so and that night Haman slept soundly, secure in his plans to bring about the demise of Mordecai and in his elevated status. In contrast, King Xerxes was restless. Seeking reprieve from his insomnia, he requested his servants read to him from his chronicles; and was reminded how Mordecai had exposed a plot to assassinate him. Xerxes sought Haman’s counsel...

Courage triumphs when we are vindicated by God! – Esther 6

Courage triumphs when we are vindicated by God! – Esther 6 By Pastor Lee Hemen May 12, 2013 AM Over the years, I have learned to listen more intently to what people say because the words they use reflect what they truly believe about themselves and others. Recently, I listened to a speech given by a national political figure and began to count the number of times he used the terms “I” and “me.” In a 20 to 30 minute speech, he referred to himself over 20 times and for the people and nation he is supposed to serve, he only offhandedly referred to them twice. What do you think this politician’s speech says about himself? We truly live in the “me first” generation. Interestingly today we celebrate mothers who often do not have that kind of luxury. Haman was a “me first” kind of guy. Again, how he came to power or into the King Xerxes’ circle we are not told, but we can speculate that it was probably due to the fact he was very wealthy. Remember, Haman was not Persian but...

Courage triumphs when we step out in faith! – Esther 5

Courage triumphs when we step out in faith! – Esther 5 By Pastor Lee Hemen May 5, 2013 AM    My wife is a great cook; she comes from a long line of great cooks. She had to develop her cooking ability and there were a few experiments along the way but for the most part her trials have been great. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everything in life could work out like great cooking? Of course, we know it can’t, but it makes one wish it could, especially if pie was involved! It is during the times of trial that courage triumphs when we step out in faith. Xerxes had elevated Haman to high office in the Persian court. Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, had not shown Haman the admiration the vile Persian official craved. Haman then used his status with the king to seek revenge against Mordecai. Haman sought payback by wiping out the entire Jewish population. When Esther learned of Haman’s plot, it was not as easy as pie, she eventually decided to intervene for her people. She faced ...