Hebrews 5:11-14 – You’re the immature one!
Hebrews 5:11-14 – You’re the immature one! By Pastor Lee Hemen August 19, 2012 AM The other day when I went swimming at the lake two young women, who were cooling off by standing in the water, were talking to one another about a mutual acquaintance. You could not help but overhear what they were saying because they were not very silent. One remarked, “She is so immature!” The other readily agreed and then they proceeded to act like a couple of junior high girls and gossip about the person they thought was “so immature”! None of us is immune to such childish behavior. I caught myself at the Fair the other day acting like a tired, hungry, and cranky toddler! What is truly sad are folks who claim faith in Christ and supposedly have been Christians for years who still do not understand basic biblical concepts. Recently I interviewed a young couple who although had been missionaries in the field, they did not comprehend the basic concepts of church membership, how their de...