Hebrews 2:1-4 – Dude, don’t drift!
Hebrews 2:1-4 – Dude, don’t drift! By Pastor Lee Hemen June 24, 2012 AM Recently, just as there is every year, there have been a lot of people killed boating, kayaking, or canoeing. Often it is because the folks involved did not wear proper safety equipment such as a life jacket. It is easy to be caught in the swift current of a river and be swept away to your death. The same is true spiritually for those who refuse to heed the Word of God. They can get caught in the swift current of life and be swept away to their spiritual deaths! We live in a day and age whereby everything we involve ourselves in wants to drag us away from our faith in Christ. What may seem so innocent at first can become a major undercurrent ready to pull us under into sin. Let’s discover how and why we should give heed to what Hebrews says and not drift away… READ: Hebrews 2:1-4 I will never forget many years ago challenging a young man to be careful of his involvement with a certain young lad...