
Showing posts from April, 2012

Ruth: Gracious caring! – Ruth 1:15-17; 2:2-7; 2:10-12; 4:13-17

Ruth: Gracious caring! – Ruth 1:15-17; 2:2-7; 2:10-12; 4:13-17 By Pastor Lee Hemen April 29, 2012 AM She loved him until the day he died. She loved him in spite of his demanding and perfectionist ways in dealing with just about everything. In 35 years she had had very few nightmares—because she rarely had a full night’s sleep. His illness often made reality worse than a nightmare. His persistent calls demanded immediate attention. Today, nearly 10 years after his death, she remembers his life and times fondly, as if they were still occurring, even as if they were the good old days. They had been married in a private family ceremony. The couple had stood before a preacher who would, upon the ceremony’s completion, become the bride’s brother-in-law. She had held flowers and clutched hopes of finally enjoying the sort of home life she had never known as a child. Such a dream was not to be, however. Multiple sclerosis struck her husband soon after their first child—a daughter—w...

We have the power! - Acts 2:1-4; 22-24, 32-33, 36-41

We have the power! - Acts 2:1-4; 22-24, 32-33, 36-41 By Pastor Lee Hemen April 22, 2012 AM Maria and Rick may be like people you know. They are Christians, but they find it difficult to share the gospel with lost people. Maria recently said, “I know it’s important to tell people about Jesus, but I just freeze up when I think about this.” Rick chimed in, “Even though I’m in sales, I lose my confidence when it comes to telling others about the Lord. I feel like a flashlight without a battery.” This is for all the “Marias” and “Ricks” that recognize they need to be more effective as witnesses for Christ but wonder how they can. Perhaps you are like them too. An in-depth look at Acts 2 provides principles about the role of the Holy Spirit in witnessing. We will see that what the early believers’ experienced on the Day of Pentecost indicates that the Holy Spirit empowers all believers to fulfill their mission for Christ, and this is how today’s followers of Jesus can be effective...

Acts 1:1-14 – We have a mission!

Acts 1:1-14 – We have a mission! By Pastor Lee Hemen April 15, 2012 AM Do you remember that old TV program “Mission Impossible” and later they made several movies with Tom Cruise? How serious do you think Christians are today in carrying out the Great Commission? Do you think it is “Mission Impossible”? For some it is second nature to reach the world, yet for others they never give it a second’s thought. Why is that? I believe perhaps that some of us have lost sight of the mission Jesus commanded His followers to take up. In every Gospel and the Book of Acts we find Jesus challenging His followers to take up His mission to reach the world. Luke, the author of the Book of Acts and the Gospel took very seriously Jesus’ call to mission. Many Bible students believe the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts made up two parts of a single literary project. Both were written to his friend Theophilus (Luke 1:3). In the opening verses of Acts, Luke summarized his first narrative as a w...

Luke 24:1-8; 36-48 -- We have a risen Lord!

Luke 24:1-8; 36-48 -- We have a risen Lord! By Pastor Lee Hemen April 8, 2012 AM This week’s message focuses on the resurrection of Jesus as an event that means much more than a historical fact. His victory over death brings peace and comfort to all who have trusted in Him as Lord and Savior. Further, Jesus’ resurrection is the basis for the believers’ resurrection and living with Him forever. In eternity, the best thing for me will be that we will be with Jesus. Therefore, this is the beautiful truth of Easter: We have a risen Lord! After Jesus’ death, Joseph buried His body hastily in a nearby tomb. A large stone rolled in front of the entrance was meant to keep out marauders and wild animals as well as Jesus’ disciples (Matthew 27:62-66). All day Saturday Jesus’ followers grieved, but they could do nothing. The Fourth Commandment prohibited work, including preparations for burial, on the Sabbath. Finally, Sunday morning dawned, the first day of the week and some of the w...

Luke 22:14-20, 24-27, 31-34 – We need to remember!

Luke 22:14-20, 24-27, 31-34 – We need to remember! By Pastor Lee Hemen April 1, 2012 AM We were moved when a little boy was last seen at his school and disappeared. Many vowed to never forget. We were saddened by the loss of innocent lives and destruction of September 11th, 2001 and vowed to never forget. Like Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Tsunami, or the sinking of the Titanic there are those who were so shaken, affected, and moved that they said they would never forget. But time moves on, memories fade, and people die. Hearts and wounds are healed, yet for some of us we try to remember and place these events in perspective. We realize that we need to remember. In a much greater way, the Lord’s Supper serves as a call to remember. As believers participate in the Lord’s Supper, we recall the sacrifice Jesus made so we could be freed from the guilt of our sins. Every time we share this ritual meal together, we proclaim that His death has changed our lives and behavior forever. ...