Would You Betray Jesus? - Mark 14:27-31
Would You Betray Jesus? - Mark 14:27-31 By Pastor Lee Hemen February 27, 2011 AM She took an autistic friend to a high school football game. While there her friend began to speak with anyone she came in contact with, which wasn’t so bad because most could tell she was autistic. Things changed however when the girl began to talk with some of the more “popular” kids. They began to make fun of her. The scene soon deteriorated, but she stood back embarrassed and did nothing. Have you ever been embarrassed enough of someone to leave them to fend for themselves? Jesus told his disciples, during the Passover meal before his death that “a time is coming, and has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.” (John 16:32) The courage of his closest friends would fail him when they fled Jesus during his greatest trials. Peter one of Jesus’ closest friends denies him three times. Judas would betray hi...