Be On Guard! - Mark 13:31-37
Be On Guard! - Mark 13:31-37 By Pastor Lee Hemen January 30, 2011 AM Before becoming a Christian I studied various other religions, from the esoteric to mainline faith practices. Each one left something to be desired. Hinduism was too foreign and based mainly on mythology and magic. Islam and Mormonism sounded the same, were hard-lined, strict, and full of inconsistencies. Buddhism and the new age were just revamped versions of self-help methodologies. And Scientology, like est (Erhard Seminars Training), or Eckankar were just plain weird. Then I was challenged to read the Bible and I could not believe what I had missed. I learned Jesus shared with his disciples, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” (Matthew 7:15 NIV ) I came to realize that I had almost lowered my guard and allowed myself to be influenced by false teaching. We would do well to be on guard. In this section of Mark’s gospel we find...