Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs! - Mark 8:11-21
Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs! - Mark 8:11-21 By Pastor Lee Hemen April 25, 2010 AM UFO Hunters, Ghost Hunters, Destination Truth, and River Monsters are just a few of the new reality shows to hit TV. All of them deal with the paranormal, unreal, or supernatural. Why folks are so interested in these things is beyond me, but the truth is we always have been. People flock to see the weird, wacky, and the unusual. They did it in the past with sideshows, traveling circuses, mystics and palm readers. We have an unquenchable bent towards the unexplainable. However, here in Mark’s gospel, we find the religious leaders of Jesus’ day wanting to see “a sign” from Jesus. Like a trained pet, they come demanding from him a sign so that they might see for themselves who Jesus was. But was this their true reason for demanding a sign from Jesus? I do not believe so. Let’s find out this morning as we take a closer look at signs, signs, everywhere signs – shall we? READ: Mark 8:11-21 In ou...