Feeding the People - Mark 6:30-44
Feeding the People - Mark 6:30-44 By Pastor Lee Hemen January 31, 2010 AM There is an old joke that asks, “How many southern Baptist does it take to change a light bulb?” The answer is, “Nine. Seven to form a committee on ‘finding the right price for light bulbs’, one to change it, and one to bring a casserole for the potluck afterwards.” Then of course, Southern Baptists are the only Christians who want to be buried with their favorite casserole dish – just in case. Do you know what the right of passage is for a Southern Baptist church member? To be able to name all the past potluck dishes served since New Years. Of course, you know you are a Southern Baptist when you watch the Food Channel and wonder how many of the exotic foods would taste in a casserole. We often take food for granted. It is reasonable that we do because we live in a country where food is readily available and cheap. During Jesus’ day, there was not a great variety of foods. Even those who could afford something di...