Celebrating Our Independence! - Luke 4:15-30
Celebrating Our Independence! – Luke 4:15-30 By Pastor Lee Hemen June 29, 2008 AM What does independence mean? For some it is the ability to do what you want, when you want to do it. For others it means the ability to vote, to peacefully protest or assemble. Still others see it as a means to be able to speak your mind openly and honestly about any issue or the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. And there are those that see it as a means to worship as one desires without the government telling you where to go to church, what to believe, or by taxing you to support a state-run church. No matter how we view independence it could not have been possible without one man, and that is the man Jesus. Why would I say that? When we as Americans celebrate our independence we are celebrating our nation’s decision to free itself from the tyranny of a king and to have a government that was of the people, by the people, and for the people. This is why the Declaration of Independence states, “We...