
Showing posts from September, 2007

When Forgiveness Is Needed– Psalm 51

When Forgiveness Is Needed– Psalm 51 By Pastor Lee Hemen September 23, 2007 AM Have you ever blown it so bad that you felt like no one could ever forgive you for what you did? I have. Often when we make a mistake it is hard for us to own up to “blowing it.” Why is that? I believe it is because of pride. We do not want to admit we blew it, and worse, we do not want to admit we were in sin. David blew it big time. He not only allowed temptation to take hold in his life, he willingly plotted the death of an innocent man to cover up his adultery. Confronted with his horrendous sin, David realizes that although he does not deserve God’s love and acceptance, he desperately needs God’s forgiveness. Herein lies a truth that we often forget: God is holy and cannot have fellowship with that which is not holy. Holiness is not being good, nice, or even desiring to be good or nice. Holiness is not sinning. This Psalm of David’s, so eloquently written, teaches us what to do when forgiveness is neede...
When Your Heart Sings to God! – Psalm 98 By Pastor Lee Hemen September 16, 2007 AM --- NOTE: You will need to be patient if you have a slower connection to view music videos that go with this sermon. Click on the link to watch in order. --- Have you ever felt so good about something that you just had to sing? I have. Last week I shared with you a little bit about this way of praising the Lord through song. But this week I want us to look at where praise truly comes from and how it can be expressed in our lives. Praise comes from the heart of a person whose life is given over to the Lord. David often expressed his praises to God in the form of music and song. Being somewhat of an accomplished self-taught musician, David found comfort, joy, and intimacy in praising God through his music. But more than that, David also discovered that “God inhabits Israel’s praise.” (Ps. 22:3) The modes of praise are many, including the offering of sacrifices (Lev. 7:13), physical movement (2 Sam. 6:14),...

When We Hear God’s Voice – Psalm 95

When We Hear God’s Voice – Psalm 95 By Pastor Lee Hemen September 9, 2007 AM Praise easily falls off the lips of those who know God and this Psalm of David teaches us this beautiful truth: When we hear God’s voice we just have to praise Him! Sadly, some folks go through their entire lives never hearing God’s voice. But those of us who have understand that it comes when we spend time alone with God. We learn that when we do hear God’s voice it is a time to pay attention and respond to what He is saying to us. Today, some of you for the first time will hear God’s voice telling you to make a decision to follow Christ, to join the church, or to come for baptism. Whatever He tells you to do as you listen, make sure you respond when you hear God’s voice. READ: Psalm 95 I will never forget after attending a pastor’s conference on listening to God speak, a pastor sarcastically asked me, “Did you hear God speak to you?” I quickly replied, “Yes, have you?” He stammered a reply that was kind...

God Is In Control - Psalm 93

God Is In Control - Psalm 93 By Pastor Lee Hemen September 2, 2007 AM We may at times wonder if God is in control when tragedy strikes. When airliners are taken over by madmen bent on pursuing their insane theology of God by flying jetliners into skyscrapers and killing thousands of innocent people in the process. We may wonder when a hurricane batters a city and washes it almost away, after the dikes protecting it collapse. We may wonder when a young teenage girl is brutally raped and murdered by two illegal aliens who were friends of her uncles. Does this mean that God is not in control? The Psalmist would say, “NO! God is in control!” Let’s discover how we can find comfort and wisdom in knowing this during times of tragedy in our lives. READ: Psalm 93 Human beings like to think they control their destiny, but the longer we live we learn that this is simply not true. We lose loved ones, businesses, friends, and family at a moments notice. What was once here one day is gone the next, ...