Who We Are - Romans 1:1-7
Who We Are – Romans 1:1-7 by Pastor Lee Hemen August 27, 2006 AM Who we are is important. Not only to others but to ourselves and to God as well. A lot of people spend much of their lives seeking out the answer to that very question of who they are. Some folks define who they are by their work, their social status, beauty, material possessions, or intellect. In Paul’s Letter to the Romans he not only defines himself for all of history to read, but he also defines for us exactly who the Christian is. And, for Paul, who we are in Jesus Christ is far more important than who we are as far as social or material status is concerned. In fact, as we read this letter we will discover that who we are not only carries eternal significance but also life significance for our lives right now. Who we are is vastly important. As we were in San Francisco the Youth Team was fascinated by the row houses. At a distance they looked like shoe boxes standing side-by-side, all in a long line, marching off int...